Asked & Answered: Resources for Grief

All responses taken from our Facebook groups: Foster Parenting Toolbox and Kinship Parenting Group.

Grief can be hard to process and work through for anyone, but especially children. We asked current foster, adoptive and kinship parents what books and resources they’ve found helpful to help their children work through grief. Here’s what they said:

“​​I like ‘The Invisible String.’”

“I recommend ‘Lifetimes: The Beautiful Way to Explain Death to Children.’”

“Our children’s therapist recommended ‘The Invisible String.’ It’s an easy read with a big message.”

“Our behavior analyst suggested we look on for our almost 4-year-old. They have reading activities, coloring sheets and videos to help with grief and several other emotional struggles.

For grief specifically you can slide all the way down to:

*Free Resources: For Caregiver

*Click on Sprite (Grief and Loss Collection)

For our almost 4-year-old, their resources have been simple and helpful.”

“I recommend ‘Tear Soup.’”

“‘The Invisible String’ helped my little one a lot when her dad died. It references Heaven, but if you’re not religious, it’s easy enough to change the sentence when you read it to a child.”

“Depending on the age and situation I’d recommend ‘What Cloud is Mommy In.’ They have daddy and other relationships as well.”

“Sesame Street in community resources! I love the resources for helping a child understand foster care and the addiction. They have tons of topics including grief. The combo, grief and foster care resources may help.”

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