From Foster to Forever: Jack’s Journey Home By Andrea Bowling

Written in short sentences with easy-to-understand words, “From Foster to
Forever: Jack’s Journey Home” is a great book to share with any children
you welcome into your home. They may feel as worried and unsure as Jack
— this book’s protagonist — is and learn to understand they are not alone
in feeling sad or uncertain. Jack explains how he ended up in foster care
since life with his “real parents” wasn’t safe anymore. He explains common
scenarios and those he interacts with closely, such as his therapist, therapy
dog, CASA workers, weekly visits with his parents. He shares his feelings
candidly, including his guilt as he begins to think about having a permanent
home with his foster parents: “I begin to think about what it would be like to
stay here, but then I feel bad. How could I imagine leaving my real
parents?” he wonders. The book ends with Jack being adopted by his
foster parents and, as he says, “I’m ready to give this new life a try.” Author
Andrea Bowling, M.A., LMHC-A, crafts a book that will definitely resonate
with children in foster care. The illustrations by Andrea Castro Naranjo
skillfully capture the many moods and moments of Jack’s life. The color
palette is thoughtful and the emotional upheavals Jack goes through are
presented well.

“From Foster to Forever”
By Andrea Bowling, MA, LMHC-A;
Illustrated by Andrea Castro Naranjo;
Price: $11.99;
ISBN: 978-1-962202-95-4

— Reviewed by Sriya Chattopadhyay