Behavior with a Purpose

Thoughtful solutions to common problems of adoptive, foster and kinship youth

By Rick Delaney, Ph.D., and Charley Joyce, LICSW

Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota Publishing, 2020, ISBN: 978-1-7345612-0-3, 152 pages, $19.99

“Behavior with a Purpose” was first published in 2009 and has been updated to help guide foster, adoptive and kinship families through some of the most difficult behaviors that children display. From hoarding food to wetting issues and stealing to lying, the book shares stories of families who’ve struggled with their children’s behaviors and takes a deeper look at what may lead a child to such outbursts and ongoing difficulties. The authors then provide some guidance on helping to address the troubling behaviors and the underlying traumas behind them.

Joyce and Delaney have worked with countless children and families in clinical settings for decades. Their practical approach to addressing difficult behaviors helps readers see beyond the behavior to help children heal.

“Behavior with a Purpose” is short and to the point, tackling behaviors that foster, adoptive and kinship parents most often struggle to address with the kids in their homes. Most parents who’ve parented kids who’ve come through the foster care system or have experienced early traumas will relate to the personal stories and the behaviors presented in the book. Because of the way it’s structured, the book is easy to read or can easily be read in smaller segments on specific behaviors. This is definitely a must-read for any families struggling with their children’s difficult behaviors.

— Reviewed by Kim Phagan-Hansel


1 Comment

  1. How can I get this book By Rick Delaney, Ph.D., and Charley Joyce, LICSW

    Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota Publishing, 2020, ISBN: 978-1-73445612-0-3, 152 pages, $19.99?

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