Sharing Love Abundantly in Special Needs Families

The 5 Love Languages for Parents Raising Children with Disabilities

By Gary Chapman, Ph.D., and Jolene Philo, M.Ed.

Northfield Publishing, 2019, ISBN: 978-0-8024-1862-3, 174 pages, $15.99

When parents learn that their child has a special need, it can feel devastating. As parents grapple with extra doctor’s appointment, therapies, special education plans and so much more, it can be difficult to connect with your child while dealing with your own feelings of grief and loss. A new book, “Sharing Love Abundantly in Special Needs Families” guides parents in connecting with children who have special needs, even when they may not be able to verbalize or communicate their needs. Tapping to co-author Dr. Gary Chapman’s five love languages series, the book provides families with hands-on ways to determine a child’s love language and simple ways to implement them in daily life.

The book is really a great reminder to any parent that it’s important to slow down and tap into our child’s needs to provide them with love in a way that speaks to them. Woven together with firsthand stories from parents deep in the trenches with their special needs children, the book really serves as a great tool. Since many times foster parents care for children with special needs, using the five love languages assessment tool can be an easy way to determine how a child likes to be loved so families can more quickly and easily connect with a child. “Sharing Love Abundantly in Special Needs Family” is a short, but jam-packed tool for any parent…definitely on the must-read list.

— Reviewed by Kim Phagan-Hansel


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