Walk in a Manner Worthy
A Voice in the Foster and Adoptive Care Wilderness
By M. Kim Combes, E.Ed.
2020, ISBN: 979-8550480243, 152 pages, $14.99
With decades of experience as a therapist and foster and adoptive parent, Kim Combes shares vignettes from his time working with vulnerable youth and families. From parenting a handful of teen boys as a single dad to adopting a sibling group with his new wife, Combes’ stories are a glimpse of his unique experiences parenting youth who’ve had difficult early childhood experiences.
A lot of the chapters originally appeared in Fostering Families Today, so it was a little bit like walking down an FFT memory lane. Throughout the book you get snippets of Combes’ experience as a foster and adoptive parent as he shares particular stories of caring for various youth. The book will be a nice, easy read for resource families who most likely will relate to a lot of Combes’ experiences from keeping kids connected to their birth families to helping children recover from destructive self-harming behaviors.
— Reviewed by Kim Phagan-Hansel
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